Primary Education (9 grades):
Primary education in North Macedonia is mandatory and typically consists of 9 grades.
Students usually start primary school at the age of 6 or 7 and complete it around the age of 15 or 16.
The primary education curriculum covers various subjects and provides students with basic knowledge and skills.
Secondary Education (3 to 4 years):
Most of the high schools in North Macedonia are public but also there are a few private ones.
Such as American High School Skopje, Nova International Schools, Yahya Kemal College,
QSI International school of Skopje, St Lucas Skopje
Secondary education is also mandatory and follows primary education.
The duration of secondary education varies, typically lasting from 3 to 4 years, depending on the type of high school.
Students in secondary education can choose from different specialized tracks or fields of study, such as natural sciences, social sciences, or vocational programs.
After completing secondary education, students are required to take a state exam. The results of this exam play a role in determining their eligibility for admission to a university.
Higher Education:
North Macedonia offers higher education opportunities at universities and other higher education institutions. Universities can be public and private. They provide bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in various fields of study.
Students can pursue undergraduate (bachelor’s) degrees, postgraduate (master’s) degrees, and advanced research (doctoral) degrees in a wide range of disciplines.
Admission to higher education programs is often competitive, with the state exam results and other criteria playing a role in the selection process.
In addition to traditional universities, there are academies in North Macedonia that offer various programs in different fields of study.
These programs can be shorter in duration, often lasting for one year or more.
These academies are also accredited by the Ministry of Education, ensuring that the programs meet certain educational standards.
Foreign Students need a student visa in order to stay and study in North Macedonia.
A foreign student who intends to stay in the Republic of Macedonia for longer than three months must have a temporary residence permit for a student. The request for issuing a temporary residence permit is submitted to the diplomatic-consular representation of the Republic of Macedonia in the country from which it comes.
A foreigner who has been issued a decision on recognition of temporary residence is issued a temporary residence permit by the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon his entry into the Republic of Macedonia.
Documents required for Visa application
- A valid and recognized travel document that lasts at least 3 months longer than the planned stay of the foreigner in the Republic of Macedonia
- A letter of acceptance issued by the University stating the status of the student
- Study program for the intended education in the Republic of Macedonia issued by the University of the Republic of Macedonia (with a certain duration of the planned conditions for education and enrollment in the following year).
- Certificate to prove knowledge of the language in which the teaching will take place
- Proof that he/she has means of support or his/her livelihood is secured in any other legal way
- Proof of provided accommodation
- Completed form for issuing / extending the temporary residence permit
- Proof of health insurance
- Proof that the person has never been convicted by a court in the home country
- Evidence that no criminal proceedings have been initiated against the visa applicant (paragraphs 9 and 10 can be placed in one document)
- Photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm
- Payment
The documents should be translated into the Macedonian language and certified by a court translator and legalized by a notary.